Friday 22 May 2015

Art - Paper Marbling

In art last Friday we did paper marbling; this is when drops of paint are dropped into a tray of water and the colours are mixed together to produce a pattern. Then you place an A4 sheet of paper on top of the water and the colours and patterns are absorbed onto the sheet!

This week we are making summer collages. Here we are hard at work!

Friday 8 May 2015

'Timeless' by Suzie Pimlott

To mark world 'Poetry Day' yesterday, we all wrote poems in class based on a photographic image from a magazine. Here is my poem called 'Timeless'.

In every time zone you can still discover something timeless
Still waters, a cool breeze blowing against my neck.
I put one foot into the warm water and all my worries start to float away.
The sound of birds flying in the sky, everything is still, everything is quiet.
I lay down in the water and let it shower over me.
Everything's ok...
I close my eyes and imagine a perfect day.
As I open my eyes, I realise that my perfect day is already here...

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Film review of 'Giovanni's Island' by Dominik Bayer

On Tuesday, 4th, 5th & 6th class went to the DraĆ­ocht Theatre in Blanchardstown to watch a new Japanese anime film called 'Giovanni's Island'. Here is my film review...

Giovanni's Island is a tale of family, unlikely friendship and growing up in days after the end of the second World War. Days after the end of World War II, the Soviet army invaded the Kuril Islands, a chain of islands that stretches from Russia to Japan, that were full of Japanese inhabitants. As the adults plot and plan, the children struggle with coming to terms with the new inhabitants. Their once large house is now split in two, with one half now belonging to the Russian commander.
Giovanni's Island is a heartbreaking tale of what happens to normal people after a war is over. It explores friendship and the innocence of children. Even though it was very sad at the end, I really enjoyed it.

I really enjoyed the film because it was beautifully drawn and it was based on a true story that happened during World War II. I would recommend it for children 10+.

'Italy' by Amelia McQuade

I wrote this poem based on a chapter in my geography book which was all about Italy...

When you go to Italy be sure to go to Pisa,
It's a very expensive city, so be sure to bring your Visa,
Whilst viewing the tower that leans, treat yourself to Borlotti beans,
I suggest you go for a row, along the river Po,
For lunch a bowl of pasta, put money in your 'tasca',
After climbing the Monte Bianco, you'll need a large carpaccio,
For dessert a little Gelato, avoid the green tomatoes!
Then take yourself to Rome, and view St.Peter's Dome,
If you want to visit Francis you certainly need to phone,
If you are interested in tennis then take yourself to Venice,
Take a trip on the Grand Canal, it's better with a pal,
If you're into art in Italy, you won't know where to start!