Creative Challenge - See the main page for this week's creative challenge.
R.E - This week's religion lesson (the last one of the year, so you could do it over the next two weeks) is: 'A look back'
Virtual School Tour
If anyone would like to go on a virtual school tour of the National History Museum in Dublin, there is a link below to worksheets, activities & the tour itself. I hope you enjoy it. You could email me some of your completed activities.
Father's Day on Sunday 21st June
Father's Day on Sunday 21st June
- Write a poem for your dad (you could write a funny 5 line limerick either - remember we wrote these earlier in the school year & they're great fun to write)
- Write a story about your dad...
- Design a Father's Day Card & write a nice message inside it...
- Design some 'vouchers'for your dad - i.e. 'This voucher entitles you to one free car wash!' etc
5th & 6th class – Read ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ – chapter 9 is on my teacher’s page & complete the 10 comprehension questions on the chapter.
Please email me your answers at
Please email me your answers at
4th, 5th & 6th
- Spellwell - Unit 34 activities - this is also a revision week this week.
- - Your usernames & passwords are in the page 'Readtheory' in my classroom section. Try & do one activity per day.
- Maths Time - Complete Week 34 activities plus 'challenges' on Friday
- Tables - Please continue to revise your tables - I have an ultimate challenge sheet here that you could complete on Friday as revision (for all classes)
- 'Splash Maths' see log on details on previous post (your 3 assignments for this week are in your own sections.)
‘Cúla 4 ar scoil’ – Tá sé ar siúl ag a deich a chlog gach maidin ar TG4
This week, their theme of the week is 'Bia' - the timetable is below & it's part of our revision this week also in Béal Beo...

(You should be finished 'Fuaimeanna & Focail' by now - if not try & finish it over the coming weeks)
‘Cúla 4 ar scoil’ – Tá sé ar siúl ag a deich a chlog gach maidin ar TG4
This week, their theme of the week is 'Bia' - the timetable is below & it's part of our revision this week also in Béal Beo...

(You should be finished 'Fuaimeanna & Focail' by now - if not try & finish it over the coming weeks)
4th class: Revision
1. Mé Féin: (interactive activities - click on the link below to access the 1st activity & then click home to access all the other activities)
2. Bia (interactive activities - click on the link below to access the 1st activity & then click home to access all the other activities)
1. Mé Féin: (interactive activities - click on the link below to access the 1st activity & then click home to access all the other activities)
2. Bia (interactive activities - click on the link below to access the 1st activity & then click home to access all the other activities)
5th class:
Am don Léamh - (you should be finished your reader & comprehension book. If not, try & catch up over the coming weeks - please remember that this is a book rental book & needs to be returned to the school in September)
1. Mé Féin: (interactive activities - click on the link below to access the 1st activity & then click home to access all the other activities)
2. Bia (interactive activities - click on the link below to access the 1st activity & then click home to access all the other activities)
Am don Léamh - (you should be finished your reader & comprehension book. If not, try & catch up over the coming weeks - please remember that this is a book rental book & needs to be returned to the school in September)
1. Mé Féin: (interactive activities - click on the link below to access the 1st activity & then click home to access all the other activities)
2. Bia (interactive activities - click on the link below to access the 1st activity & then click home to access all the other activities)
6th class: (2 activities)
Am don léamh - (you should be finished your reader & comprehension book. If not, try & catch up over the coming weeks - please remember that this is a book rental book & needs to be returned to the school in September)
1. Mé Féin: (interactive activities - click on the link below to access the 1st activity & then click home to access all the other activities)
2. Bia (interactive activities - click on the link below to access the 1st activity & then click home to access all the other activities)
Am don léamh - (you should be finished your reader & comprehension book. If not, try & catch up over the coming weeks - please remember that this is a book rental book & needs to be returned to the school in September)
1. Mé Féin: (interactive activities - click on the link below to access the 1st activity & then click home to access all the other activities)
2. Bia (interactive activities - click on the link below to access the 1st activity & then click home to access all the other activities)
Touch -Typing Club - continue typing club daily – 5/10 weeks ( 5 mins every day)
Nessy - Please continue Nessy if you attend Ms. Kilrane.